The Leuven Protein Aggregation Meeting

11th-13th September 2024, Leuven, Belgium


The Leuven Protein Aggregation Meeting (2nd edition)

Following the great success of the conference's first edition in 2022, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz and the Switch Lab will again bring together inspiring speakers from around the world to talk about some of the most exciting research in the protein aggregation field. With less than 150 participants in an informal setting, there will be ample opportunity for discussion and interaction among all participants. The program will include poster sessions to allow contributions from as many attendees as possible.

Come join us for this exciting meeting in Leuven’s Great Beguinage, a UNESCO world heritage site fom the 13th century. Besides the inspiring scientific program, participants will also have ample networking opportunities during the poster sessions and conference dinner.

We look forward to meeting you! 



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