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SUPR-DSF overview video covers the main operation of the SUPR-DSF, a plate-based spectrofluorometer for measuring the conformational stability of protein.
This is a quick over view of the SUPR-CM and SUPR-DSF instruments from Protein Stable
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The SUPR-DSF delivers next-level differential scanning fluorimetry, by simplifying sample preparation and analysis of protein stability into a single microplate. Utilising precision optical components to deliver the highest sensitivity, intrinsic fluorescence of proteins and full spectrum detection, both thermal ramping and isothermal chemical denaturation experiments can be easily run in 384-well microplates.
The SUPR-DSF delivers next-level differential scanning fluorimetry by simplifying sample preparation and analysis of protein stability into a single microplate. Utilising precision optical components to deliver the highest sensitivity, intrinsic fluorescence of proteins and full spectrum detection, both thermal ramping and isothermal chemical denaturation experiments can be easily run in 384-well microplates.
Protein Stable aims to help scientist, researchers and industry specialist by providing cutting-edge technology in the life science industry.
View the benefits of SUPR-CM help unravel your protein stability challenges.