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Chirascan V100
High order structure - circular dichroism
Chirascan Q100
High order structure - circular dichroism
Chirascan circular dichroism - core features
Explore the core features of Applied Photophysics' Chirascan Instruments.
4 circular dichroism spectrometer-operating principles
Circular dichroism (CD) is the difference in light absorbance between left, (L-CPL) and right-circularly polarised light (R-CPL) and circular dichroism spectrometers (spectrophotometers) are highly specialised variations of the absorbance spectrophotometer.
Circular dichroism spectrometer performance
The limit of detection of a circular dichroism (CD) spectrophotometer (or any spectrophotometer) is determined by its signal-to-noise (S/N) characteristics: the better the S/N, the better its limit of detection.
High sensitivity photodiode array